

This package is meant to be used with Weenie. However, if you are not using Weenie but are interested in this functionality, there's nothing wrong with using it directly.

This package is a simple wrapper around the cron package making it weenie-compatible.

It does, however, add a sprinkling of dreaded "magic" functionality over and above the regular cron package. In particular, if the Weenie serviceManager package is added to your dependencies prior to this, this system will await the whenReady promise provided by the service manager and it will add a shutdown task to kill all active cronjobs. You can still use it as normal, just know that your cronjobs will not actually be initialized until the declareReady function is called, thus resolving the whenReady promise.

Also note that this package provides the MockCron class and the corresponding mockCron weenie function. These can be used in test environments to more easily test cron registration without actually initializing active cronjobs.

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