Namespace ApiUtils

This module is a collection of types and utilities representing a highly experimental API definition system. This can potentially be very powerful, as the goal of it is to allow you to define your entire API - from endpoints to authorization to validation to response - in a single place. This is a work in progress, and is probably not ready for production yet, but feel free to play around with it and see what you think. (It should be safe-enough - I'm just not sure the opinions expressed in this module are optimal yet.)

IMPORTANT: It makes the following assumptions:

  1. You've used some system to authenticate the request and attach Auth.ReqInfo to the request object. You can stub this out in development, but you'd typically do this by attaching a bearer token to the request with this information encoded in it and then authenticating and decoding the token. (See and
  2. You're happy with my standardized API response formats and pagination ideas (see

See ApiSpec for more information.


Type Aliases


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