Namespace Audit

These are experimental types describing a data audit system. The idea is that you want to capture some basic information about what changed, who changed it, from where, and when. In addition, it's often useful to capture information about object hierarchies so that you can easily query for trees of objects. For example, if I want to see all data events pertaining to a task in a task-management system, I would want to see changes to the task itself as well as changes to the task's comments, attachments, etc. These entities are considered "owned" by the task, and when I run a query for all changes to a given task, I want to include those changes as well.

This module defines some basic types for data events as well as an interface for a data event client.

See this very old but still perhaps useful POC for a data audit system. This does not use these types, but it could easily be adapted to use them. (I'll probably update that at some point to use these types.)



Type Aliases

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