• Framework function

    Weenie is the function that kicks off the creation of a resource bag. It is intended to be used to build up and then seal a final resource bag to be passed around in an application in order to provide common dependencies.

    Here's how it is intended to be used:

    function init(): { firstDep: string };
    function a(deps: { firstDep: string }): { a: number };
    function b(deps: { firstDep: string; a: number }): { b: boolean };
    function c(deps: { firstDep: string; a: number; b: boolean }): { c: string };
    function d(deps: { firstDep: string; a: number; b: boolean; c: string }): {};
    function e(deps: { firstDep: string; a: number; b: boolean; c: string }): { e: number };
    function finish(
    deps: { firstDep: string; a: number; b: boolean; c: string, e: number }
    ): { a: number; b: boolean; c: string; }; // << these are the final exposed dependencies

    const app = Weenie(init)

    The above initializes all the necessary dependencies and then seals them up, presenting a final "app" that is typed as { a: number; b: boolean; c: string }. This can then be passed along to web handlers, message handlers, cronjobs, etc., to perform the work that the service needs to do.

    Type Parameters

    • Deps = Obj


    Returns Extensible<Deps>

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