Type alias CollectionParams<Filter>

CollectionParams<Filter>: {
    pg?: {
        size?: number;
        cursor?: string;
    sort?: string;
    include?: string;
    filter?: Filter;

Defines the set of parameters that may be passed into the API via the query string to specify page details, sorting and filtering of the result set. E.g., GET /users?pg[size]=25&pg[cursor]=bnVtOjY%3D&sort=-createdDate%2C%2Bname&include=bestFriend.name&filter=%7B%22date%22%3A%7B%22start%22%3A123456789%2C%22end%22%3A123456790%7D%7D

Note that actual values for sort, include, and filter are dependent on the system in which they are received. The intention for Wymp services is that sort be a comma-separated list of fields with a - prefix indicating "descending sort"; include be a comma-separated list of dot-addressed fields corresponding to the objects being retrieved; and filter be a generic value that you can specify from the outside and which is serialized and sent as JSON.

Type Parameters

  • Filter = unknown

Type declaration

  • Optional pg?: {
        size?: number;
        cursor?: string;
    • Optional size?: number
    • Optional cursor?: string
  • Optional sort?: string
  • Optional include?: string
  • Optional filter?: Filter

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