Type alias NextPageParams

NextPageParams: {
    size: number;
    nextCursor: string | null;
    prevCursor: string | null;
    sort?: string | null;

A package of information about the current page being returned, including the number of items selected for (which is not necessarily equal to the number of items returned), the way the page is sorted, a cursor to use to obtain the next page, and a cursor to use to obtain the previous page.

Type declaration

  • size: number

    The number of items requested for the current page

  • nextCursor: string | null

    A cursor that may be used to obtain the next page of results. null if there is no next page.

  • prevCursor: string | null

    A cursor that may be used to obtain the previous page of results. null if there is no previous page.

  • Optional sort?: string | null

    If the current page was sorted in a certain way, that parameter is specified here so it may be used in subsequent calls to sort in the same way.

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